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ROSC Training Centre

Your local shore-based RYA training centre

Reading Offshore Sailing Club is an RYA-registered training centre and is authorised to run various shore-based courses for members.  Please speak to us about the options available. Some of the RYA courses that ROSC members have access to are shown below.

Sailing Rope

RYA Essential Navigation & Seamanship

This entry level course is aimed at those people who wish to take a small boat out for a limited time, possibly for a day’s fishing and need a very basic knowledge of tides, weather, rules of the road at sea and pilotage techniques.  As well as the usual course material (charts and handbook), this course includes a special Portland Course plotter and a set of dividers for chartwork.

RYA Day Skipper

Day Skipper is aimed at people who have done some sailing or motor-boating and have a basic understanding of handling a boat but who would like to skipper a craft themselves.  This course covers a wide range of theory takes a minimum of 40 hours classwork plus homework and 2 exams.

Yacht Deck

RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore

This course is for more experienced skippers to build on the Day Skipper course.  This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages.  It includes calculation of depths and tidal streams at all states of the tide as well as weather patterns and forecasting and safety procedures.  Students for this course should have had some experience in sailing and navigation.  Although some time is spent on revision of previous course work, there is a lot of new work to be undertaken. The course takes a minimum of 40 hours plus exams and plus homework (which usually doubles the time needed by students). It is essential that candidates have completed the Day Skipper theory course or already possess knowledge to that standard.

For further details, please contact:

Phil Missen, Principal ROSC Training Centre


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