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Reading Offshore Sailing Club welcomes you!

Reading and the surrounding area's own RYA-affiliated club and RYA training centre for people interested in sailing and motor yachts

The Reading Offshore Sailing Club (ROSC) is the inland club for the offshore sailor. It is RYA affiliated and an RYA training centre. Our club is for people resident in and around the Reading area who are interested in sailing or motor yachts.

Our membership is made up of those who have yachts, whether based in and around the Solent area or further afield, others without boats who would like to crew, and those simply interested in learning more about sailing.

In the sailing season we have regular rallies. These are usually to venues along the South Coast, but have also included destinations in other parts of the UK and in the Med.

In winter we have monthly meetings, at the Upper Thames Motor Yacht Club (UTMYC).


We welcome you to explore our site and find out more about Reading Offshore Sailing Club and all that we have to offer.


Autumn 2024 update from our Commodore

Jackie Bignell says:

The AGM for 2024 is now almost upon us - the year has flown by!


Our summer BBQ at the beginning of September was well supported and attendees had a great time by the river in Sonning.


This calendar year we still have our talks to look forward to in October about the Marine Conservation Society November, our AGM in November, the Laying Up Supper on 30th November, our annual December meeting is skittles at the Frog & Wicket, and our ‘twixt Christmas and New Year’ walk on 28th  December is at Dinton Pastures with lunch at the Wheelwrights arms afterwards.

We have speakers lined up for 2025 on various topics such as climate change, sailing to the arctic, a representative from the RYA and celestial navigation. Proposed dates for next year's rallies are 9th to 11/12th  May and 6th to 8th/9th September, venues tba.

Looking forward to seeing you at the above and welcoming any new members who would like to join this great local sailing club for offshore sailors and anyone interested in sailing and boating.

Benefits – monthly meetings on the river at Sonning, usually the first Monday evening,  the opportunity to discuss courses and gain practical experience with others, a great social programme throughout the year, regular speakers at meetings, rallies in the Solent and other locations, possibility to join others on flotilla holidays in the Mediterranean.

Your club, you decide!

Wind in our usual sailing grounds

Why join?

Benefits of membership


RYA affiliated

We are the only offshore club in Reading affiliated with the RYA


Occasional training opportunities

Through contacts, partners and neighbouring clubs 

Female Presenter

Regular talks

From experts on a range of nautical subjects


Programme of rallies

Taking place in the UK (Solent and elsewhere) and wider-afield

Yacht Deck

Occasional charters

Members who don't have boats either charter together or join other members on their boats

Eating at the Bar

Social events

A broad selection of social events


Like-minded people

Meet like-minded people from different backgrounds to share sailing experiences


Discounted yachts

We've partnered up with Hamble Point Yacht Charters to offer club members an exclusive 10% discount. More detail here.

Interested in joining?

Membership fees

for the period 1 January to 31 December

Individual membership

£41 per year

(discounted to £37.50 if paid by 31 January)

Family membership

£55 per year

(discounted to £50 if paid by 31 January)

Associate/Country membership

£17 per year

(discounted to £15.50 if paid by 31 January)

New members joining after 1 June will pay half price membership for their first annual subscription.


New members joining after 1 November will pay nothing in respect of that year's membership.

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